Three devices for ultrasound diagnostics were donated to the Health Centres in Prokuplje, Blace and Kuršumlija, while the hospital in Žitorađa received CTG fetal monitor and examination table due to the support of the European Union and the Govenrment of Switzerland through the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme EU PROGRES.
Mobile ultrasound color doppler in Prokuplje and Blace will be used within gynaecology departmant, while the same device in Kuršumlija shall be used within the general medicine department. The staff from these institutions will pass the training on handling the equipment during January 2014.
The managers of these hospitals expressed their gratitude over this donation, while the Director of the Health Centre in Kuršumlija Uranija Petrović awarded EU PROGRES with the Certificate for the contribution to the development of this institution, since the construction of the medical laboratory within this centre was funded through the Programme. The procurement of these devices was funded by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland through EU PROGRES with 48,483 Euros.