Educational campaign “Find the Time” on the importance of women’s health preservation has begun

27 January 2014, Preševo

Campaign “Find the Time” aimed at informing and educating the public about the importance of preservation and improvement of women’s health has begun as part of the European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week in Vranje, Preševo and Bujanovac. The campaign is financed by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland through the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme EU PROGRES and implemented on-site by the agency “V+O Communication”.

The campaign “Find the Time” includes a series of different activities that turn the public attention to the fact that caring about health is also caring about posterity, as well as that prevention is the best cure for healthy life. The students of medical faculty were handing out promotional leaflets and brochures on Saturday 25 January 2014 at the central squares in Bujanovac, Preševo and Vranje and advising the citizens on the importance of regular gynaecological examinations and consequences of the lack of care about one’s own health. Eight students were available to all interested persons for all the necessary information and questions on reproductive health and family planning.

“The active role of patients and regular preventive examinations can detect breast cancer and cervical cancer in time and help preserve women’s health. Having that in mind and with desire to improve the quality of women’s health protection in this region, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the municipality of Preševo, the European Union and the Government of Switzerland through EU PROGRES financed the construction and equipment for the outpatient maternity ward in Preševo,” emphasized Ana Nedeljković, an associate on the good governance programme.

Apart from that, the campaign “Find the Time” also includes broadcasting of television clip and radio advertisement on the local television and radio stations as well as billboards that are positioned at several locations in Vranje, Preševo and Bujanovac. The gathering of professionals and conference will be held on 4 February 2014 on World Cancer Day in Bujanovac. The medical students will hold a series of educational lectures for secondary school and university students on increasing the knowledge of youth for responsible attitude to sexuality and importance of reproductive health.