26 representatives from 8 municipalities from Toplički and Jablanički Districts, participated in a three-day workshop titled Vertical Dimension of Good Governance – Relation between Local Self-Government Units and Central Government Bodies. This is the second of three planned workshops on vertical dimension of good governance organised by EU PROGRES with support from the European Union and Swiss Government.
The aim of these workshops is to gather information from municipality representatives about the challenges for efficient and effective functioning of towns and municipalities and prepare recommendations to improve their work. The workshop covered three topics related to structure, competencies, funding sources and independence in local self government operations.
“The participants discussed the problems and challenges faced by the local self-government units especially related to managing municipal property, that is, unresolved ownership issues, resources and funds through the analysis of normative framework and practice. The focus was also on the importance of the local self-government role in policy making and implementation in accordance with good governance principles in order to define suitable measures for reform,” Ana Nedeljković, EU PROGRES Good Governance Associate said.
The last in a series of workshops for nine municipalities in Jablanički and Pčinjski Districts will be held between 27 February and 01 March 2013 on Zlatibor. EU PROGRES will develop a document that will provide an overview of all discussions and proposals and present it to institutions that can help improve the work of the local self-governments, such as the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities and relevant ministries.