Korak ka odgovornom poslovanju lokalnih preduzeća_en

A Step towards Corporate Social Responsibility for Local Enterprises

29 November 2013, Leskovac, Novi Pazar

Over 50 representatives of small and medium enterprises from Leskovac, Vranje, Vladičin Han and Novi Pazar were trained to improve corporate social responsibility in the area of environmental protection, at trainings held on 28 November in Leskovac and 29 November in Novi Pazar.

Evropska podrška zapošljavanju u jugozapadnoj Srbiji_en

European Support to Employment in Southwest Serbia

21 November 2013, Novi Pazar, Tutin

Today, European Union Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Michael Davenport, handed over sewing machines and other learning tools to the Textile and Leather Design School in Novi Pazar, as support to education to strengthen textile, footwear and clothing industry, as well as furniture and equipment for kindergarten Poletarac in Tutin. These projects were financially supported by the European Union through European Partnership with Municipalities Programme EU PROGRES.

Pešterski proizvodi na putu ka Evropskoj uniji_en

Pešter Products on the Way to European Union

20 November 2013, Sjenica, Nova Varoš

During the first day of his visit to South West Serbia, Head of European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, Ambassador Michael Davenport, marked the end of works on the construction of the Regional Centre for Development of Agriculture in Sjenica, together with the Minister of Agriculture, Dragan Glamočić, and Minister without Portfolio, in charge of sustainable development of underdeveloped areas, Sulejman Ugljanin. The European Union and Swiss Government invested through EU PROGRES 200,000 EUR, Sjenica Municipality 40,000 EUR and Serbian Office for the Development of Under Developed Areas 45,000 EUR to build and equip this regional centre.

Radionica u Blacu_en

Primary schools from Blace, Leskovac and Nova Varoš reached the Finals of the EU PROGRES competition “Where is your threshold of responsibility?“

18 November 2013, Blace, Leskovac, Nova Varoš

Before the end of November, the works on “the green island“ for the composting of organic waste, will start in Blace, the promotion of a “carbon diet” will be launched in Nova Varoš, and the workshop for making objects from recycled material will start in Leskovac.

Please be informed that the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES was completed on 31 March 2014. If you would like to learn about the activities and results of the European PROGRES, which is a continuation of development support of the European Union and Government of Switzerland to the South East and South West Serbia, please visit www.europeanprogres.org