Dobro informisanje - prvi korak ka aktivnom uključivanju građana_en

Well-Informed Citizens - First Step towards Higher Participation

18 May 2012, Vranje

The representatives of the Vranje City Administration, non-government organisations and business sector, who took part in the third debate held within the campaign “I Want to … because I Live Here”, agreed that well-informed citizens were the first step that had to be made if they were to actively involve themselves in the political processes and assume the role of local administration watchdog. By implementing this campaign, which promotes the principles of accountability, transparency, equality, efficiency and participation, the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme - EU PROGRES wants to familiarise the public with the importance of good governance in socio-economic development processes.

Javna debata o dobrom upravljanju u Leskovcu_en

Public Debate on Good Governance in Leskovac

26 April 2012, Leskovac

The second public debate held in Leskovac today within the campaign “I Want to... because I Live Here”, which is implemented by the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES, promoted the five principles of good governance and aimed at highlighting the importance of good governance for socio-economic development and familiarising the members of the public with their rights, with the local administration’s duties and responsibilities and with the ways in which they can contribute.

Predstavljeni predlozi za brendiranje južne i jugozapadne Srbije_en

Proposals for Branding South and South-West Serbia Presented

30 March 2012, Kopaonik

South and South-West Serbian municipalities presented 16 proposals for the branding of their areas and produce at a seminar held on Mt. Kopaonik on 29 and 30 March with the support of the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES.

Brendiranje južne i jugozapadne Srbije_en

Branding South and South West Serbia

18 January 2012, Sjenica, Vranje

The pristine nature of Mt. Golija, the nature resort Uvac and the Pešter plateau, the spas, the rich cultural and historical heritage, diverse farm produce (paprikas, sour cherries, plums and cheese) and health food, high quality water, winter sports, the trumpet, warm and congenial people living in multicultural communities – these are just some of South and South West Serbia' potential brands. This conclusion was reached at two seminars on branding organised in Sjenica and Vranje by the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES.

Please be informed that the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES was completed on 31 March 2014. If you would like to learn about the activities and results of the European PROGRES, which is a continuation of development support of the European Union and Government of Switzerland to the South East and South West Serbia, please visit