Novim iskustvima brže do građevinskih dozvola_en

Through New Experiences Faster to the Construction Permits

14 March 2014, Leskovac

During the study tour to the One Stop Shop for Issuance of Construction Permits in Leskovac, 37 representatives from the work groups for the establishment of these offices in Vranje, Novi Pazar and Ivanjica exchanged their experiences and strenghtened intermunicipal cooperation. The establishment of the One Stop Shops in these four local self-governments was funded by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland through the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme EU PROGRES with 157,150 Euros.

Plan razvijen uz pomoć EU PROGRESa omogućio investiciju Geox-a od 15 miliona evra u Vranje_en

Plan Developed with the Assistance of EU PROGRES Enables EUR 15 million Geox Investment in Vranje

06 March 2014, Vranje

The detailed regulation plan of ‘Bunuševac’ Industrial Zone in Vranje, funded by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland through the EU PROGRES European Partnership with Municipalities Programme, was one of the major preconditions for the Italian company Geox to initiate construction of the footwear production plant employing 1,250 workers.

Novom Pazaru cisterna za bolje vodosnabdevanje_en

Novi Pazar New Water Tank Truck to Improve Water Supply

10 February 2014, Novi Pazar

EU PROGRES Manager Graeme Tyndall today visited Novi Pazar to mark the completion of four projects, worth 332,900 EUR, which were funded by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland through the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme EU PROGRES.

Efikasniji rad opštine Bujanovac uz podršku Evropske unije_en

More Efficient Operation of Bujanovac Municipality Supported by EU

30 January 2014, Bujanovac

Head of European Union Delegation in the Republic of Serbia, Ambassador Michael Davenport handed over QMS certificate ISO 9001 and EMS certificate ISO 14001 to the Mayor of Bujanovac Nagip Arifi, thereby making Bujanovac one of few Serbian municipalities in possession of these standards, owing to the support of the EU and the Government of Switzerland through the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme EU PROGRES.

Please be informed that the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES was completed on 31 March 2014. If you would like to learn about the activities and results of the European PROGRES, which is a continuation of development support of the European Union and Government of Switzerland to the South East and South West Serbia, please visit