National consultation process „Serbia I Want“

National consultation process „Serbia I Want“

30 January 2013, Srbija kakvu želim

Serbia is among the countries where national consultations, aimed at defining the contours of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, are taking place. On the global level, consultations are held under the auspices of the United Nations, and under the slogan "The World We Want 2015" (, and the goal is to enable citizens around the world to have their voices heard, as well as to create strategic partnerships facilitating shaping of the Development Agenda after 2015.

The process of national consultations "Serbia We Want" will include organizing public debates, workshops, as well as using social media, online forums and discussions. The goal is to involve in this process as many people as possible, particularly those belonging to the vulnerable and marginalized groups. Furthermore, the web site has been activated, where through filling out a short questionnaire, everyone can offer their suggestions and ideas for a common vision of future. Information about consultations will be also available on the official Facebook and Twitter page of the UN Country Team in Serbia.

We invite you to visit the web site and fill out the short questionnaire, and also to express your support to the consultation process through disseminating information about this process, exchange of relevant materials and participation in workshops and discussions.

The attitudes outlined in this article represent personal beliefs of the author and do not necessarily reflect viewpoints of the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme, or the European Union, the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Serbia.

Please be informed that the European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES was completed on 31 March 2014. If you would like to learn about the activities and results of the European PROGRES, which is a continuation of development support of the European Union and Government of Switzerland to the South East and South West Serbia, please visit